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I love food. The eating of it, the cooking of it, the taste, texture and the smell of it. There are so many reasons to love food that I can be sure that others enjoy it as much as I do. But everywhere you go, food traditions are different. So I propose to the residents of Mineral County… a cookbook.

As if there aren’t a million of those already, I know, I know.

But wouldn’t it be interesting to have on yourself a collection of recipes from only where you grew up, from people you know, from people you’ve never met that only live 10 miles away, from your grandma and her cousin and your aunt and her friend?

What if it we’re not only a cookbook but a story as well. What if the recipes had tales attached and you chould share and share alike with one another your family traditions, preserving them like canning food? We could store it away and then our children’s children’s children would be able to one day read the stories of the people that came before them through one of the world’s most agreeable mediums? Doesn’t food bring back memories? Aren’t stories shared over a dinner table or breakfast table or over Sunday supper?

My brain and ideas are running away with me. How do I get started on something like this?

Writer in Residence

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